Worksoft SaaS Certification of Trainees

A customer's contract with Worksoft SaaS entails them to get training for a finite not-to-exceed number of individuals within a contract term. Sandboxes are only provided to the trainees that fit into that entitlement. 

Any trainees that fit into that entitlement also will be eligible to receive a complimentary review of the automation solutions implemented in response to the 'hands-on exercises' (aka "assignments" - see below) that are provided to the trainees, all related to the Worksoft SaaS's Training App(s)'. 

A reviewer from Worksoft SaaS's Training team will review the solutions for the assignment within the Sandbox assigned to the trainee and provide feedback if any. The trainee, then, is expected to incorporate the feedback and make the necessary changes to the automation developed as solutions to the assignments. Upon successful completion of the automation solutions, Worksoft SaaS Training team will issue 'certificates' for the appropriate course. For example, upon completion of the 'Worksoft SaaS First-Hand Experiences' course, a certificate will be issued for the same to the trainee.

This process is referred to as 'Certification' of trainees.

You may be eligible to get Certification irrespective of the format of instruction/training for a course, Self-paced or Instructor-led.

If you would like to receive a Certification that approves your proficiency in using Worksoft SaaS features learnt in a specific course then:
  • Please send an email to expressing your interest in Certification
  • We will send you an Assessment (in a Google spreadsheet) that will have a set of activities to be performed independently. (You can feel free to refer to the Course material for assistance)
  • After completion, submit the Assessment material in a Zip format to
  • Our review team will access your Sandbox project, check your activities and update comments with Status Completed/Re-work
  • If the Status is 'Re-work', you are expected to complete the activities as per the suggestions provided.
  • Our team will review the re-work and change the activity status to Completed.
  • Certifications will be issued for the appropriate Course.

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